Sex and objectification dominate our culture. It's in our ads, our music, our TV shows, our books, and then we see it on our timelines, feeds, DMs, and behaviors. All I can think about is our youth. Our little girls are growing up in this noisy and bold era of sex and power. If we don't teach them the Bible way, then the world will teach them the corrupt way. The messages in our music today are beyond degrading and its been this way since the early 2000s. Of course, there were questionable messages scores ago, but it really had to be discerned. Today, it seems like nothing is censored for decency's sake and respect.
This is not a post to bash these beautiful beloved women, but I will say it is a disappointment to see our female influencers continuing the streak of misogyny and sexual objectification in music today. We already deal with this from the males in media and Hip-Hop culture, to see women join them instead of fighting back is upsetting.
When the world goes in one direction, who will step out and say, "Nah, this isn't the way things should be"?
We are living in perilous times where "evil is called good and good is called evil". We are living in times where it is "traditional" or unfavorable to be a wife who cooks, cleans, and submits to her husband, yet the sexual, materialistic, domineering woman is to be praised and rewarded. I understand the mindset that says, "Well, since the men can do it, we should be able to as well." But what about the mindset that says, "We are sick of how we are being portrayed and instead of joining them, let's change the narrative"???
Why not show young women who look up to us, that they are more than their bodies? Why is that so wrong? Because the times are evil and people value the wanton and immoral freedom more than God's beautiful design for humanity. It's not like God came out of the sky and took our freedom from us, we have free-will and a right to choose our lifestyles. We all know by now that choosing a certain lifestyle produces negative or positive consequences. Our world is upside down because of this wanton and immoral freedom: abortions are tearing women and babies apart, the sex-trade is hyper-funded, low self-esteem is plaguing our teens, children are having sex younger, and more heartbreaking statistics because of this defiance.
You may ask, what does music have to do with this? It is an influence on our culture. The more these messages are sung to us, the more we catch on to the rhythm and move in their direction. So maybe they won't change the narrative, because they make too much money and are praised for what they do... but we can change it. We can start by telling young women around us that the acronym is,
We Are Pure
and God loved us so much that He gave His Son Jesus to die for our sins so that we can have eternal life (John 3:16). We can start by telling them there is a better way of freedom than what this world is selling them. The world's freedom leads to chains and unfathomable pain, but God's freedom leads to abundant life and peace. God's freedom leads to healthy relationships, restored self-worth, and self-esteem, and a pure view of sex and marriage. It may seem popular to do it the way Cardi B and Meg thee Stallion are showing you, but please know that it's not as good as it looks. The Bible says, "The broad way leads to destruction, but the narrow way leads to life."(Matthew 7:13-14)
It does not end well to follow the way that everyone goes, sis. I want to invite you to learn more about the narrow way that leads to life and abundance in Christ, check it out here. And if this post helped you in any way, please use the share buttons below!
Shout out to ImKai for this dope remix of W.A.P. Give it a listen and subscribe to her channel!