At some point in our lives, we all deal with negative impacts on our self-esteem. Personally, I can say I've been dealing with this on and off throughout my life. There are seasons (even days) when it's high or when it's extremely low. If we could rate the importance of having healthy self-esteem, I'd give it a ten. Self-esteem by definition is confidence in one's own worth and abilities; self-respect (self-regard). A religious person might say to think anything about "self" is wrong. But I'd beg to differ, Jesus said the second greatest commandment is to, "love our neighbors as ourselves." (Matthew 22:39) That means I need to love myself enough to love someone else, and loving myself means I need to have healthy self-esteem. So let's dive into 3 tips to boost our self-esteem when we're feeling low.
Always start with God's words about you.
God's word will always be a foundation for you to build your life on, including your self-esteem. He is the Maker of Heaven, Earth, and all that dwells within them. His very word created everything and will stand when everything is gone. I say this because when you have God's words on your mind and in your heart, all other lies and dispositions about yourself won't stand a chance. God says that you are:
"fearfully and wonderfully made" - Ps. 139: 13-14
"precious in His eyes and honored" - Isaiah 43: 4
"created in His image" - Genesis 1: 27
When you believe and live God's truth, the truth will set you free from the lies of the enemy and others who do not see you as God does.
2. Build on God's truth with personal affirmations.
Now that there's a stable foundation, you can start forming affirmations about yourself. I always have an issue keeping up with affirmations, so I would write a few out on sticky notes and post them on my bathroom mirror. I'll share a few with you to help you create your own:

"I am a beautiful young lady & I'm fully known & loved by God."
"God created me and said I was good."
"I am accepted by The Lord, & He calls me His own."
"I am called for such a time as this."
3. Work on physical improvements.
Some people would say mixing the physical body with the spiritual isn't a biblical strategy. But how can that be true if God made both? The Bible is filled with wisdom about taking care of our health. That's why I've included working on physical improvements as a way to boost your self-esteem. There's a saying, "If you don't like something, change it!" This is a biblically inspired theme, we are always growing and becoming. Yes, our bodies are wasting away, but it would be ignorant to ignore it. If you don't like having short hair, grow your hair out. If you're self-conscious about your skin, work to improve it. If you want a flatter stomach, start a workout routine and eat the right foods. This isn't rocket science and neither is it unbiblical to take care of yourself.
Take care of your body while you have it, and don't try to be what you're not. I say this because there is a spirit of covetousness that causes many women to drastically alter their appearance with too much makeup or unnecessary plastic surgery hoping to achieve an image that is worshipped. Don't allow the spirit of covetousness to cause you to spend thousands on a surgery that could hurt in the long run.
In closing, I hope you lay the proper foundation for building your self-esteem and pray that these tips will help you. Trying to achieve a healthy self-image without God is a contradiction because you were made in His image. Jesus says that without the proper foundation, we are building a house on quicksand. You can't build self-esteem on compliments or acceptance from others, that's quicksand and people's opinions change in a minute. But God never changes, His truth is timeless and perfect for helping you become all He's called you to be.
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